The Development and Pilot Testing of a Fidelity Checklist for a Family-Centered Telehealth Intervention for Parents of Children with Motor Delay
Fidelity measure development, Implementation experience, Pediatric rehabilitation, TelehealthAbstract
This multi-methods study describes the development of a pediatric rehabilitation telehealth intervention fidelity checklist, estimates its inter-rater reliability, and documents raters' implementation experience. A literature scan and expert consultation identified eighteen key behaviors and categorized them into three subdomains, measured using a 5-point measurement system. To estimate the checklist’s inter-rater reliability, three raters scored 33 video recordings. A Shrout and Fleiss Class 1,1 intraclass correlation (ICC)) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) calculated ICCs = 0.5 (CI: 0, 0.9) for both the Therapist and the Parent-Therapists subdomains, and the Parent subdomain an ICC = 0.3 (CI: 0, 0.8). In the implementation surveys, raters reported high levels of satisfaction (100%), ease of use (84% to 88%), and confidence in their video ratings (87% to 100%). Changes in procedures and scoring were recommended. Capturing raters’ implementation experiences is crucial in the early evaluation of the fidelity checklists for telehealth.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Karen Hurtubise, Michelle Phoenix, Chantal Camden, Raphaëlle Gauthier, Paul Stratford, Rosalie Dostie, Audrée Jeanne, Désirée Maltais, Jade Berbari, Isabelle Gaboury

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